Hard to let go....
Two weeks ago, I did a major organization in Yoshi's closet. All the clothes that no longer fit him had been in pile's'. Today, I had decided to clean out this big mess, thinking it should be easy to figure out what to keep for little sister and what to get rid...........However, after few minutes of work, I realized, it wasn't as easy. Seems like every little outfit has its own special memory which I found it hard to let go....yes, I'm talking about the clothes....sounds ridiculous, right?!
Perhaps these were the first few piles I ever have gone thru.....& perhaps these all carry their own special "the first" moments, like first summer, first winter, first outfit we purchased, first out of hospital outfit, first outfit from so and so........(see, now u start to understand what I mean...)Although none of these clothes are pink or purple, but I managed to save half of these for little sister. I'm glad these clothes will be wore once again, it's just a waste as many are still in good conditions.
After almost 1.5 hr, I was only able to sort out 0-6 months clothes. Yes, I was going thru the pile back and forth, almost like a memory recollection process. I have kept a very few in the 'keepsake' box for memory treasure. The rest, will be given to friends or saved for my other pregnant friends. Since we found out our new baby is going to be a girl, we are so lucky to have many friends offering baby girl clothes to us. So in return, we hope to do the same for our friends as well. What comes around, goes around (in a very good way). Thank you everyone for your VERY generous offer, greatly appreciated. ^_^ Hope u know all your kindness gestures have created a very positive chain effect.....THANK YOU. Yesterday, we stopped by the construction site of Nori's new office + factory. It will be completed probably in next March. The office is much closer to our house, about 10-15 mins drive on local road. Wonder if there will be any chance for Otousan to have lunch with us at home someday?!
congrats that daddy's office is getting closer! i guess you definitely NEED daddy to be home with you if you want to have a decent bite when #2 is here! :P
glad to see your bump showing! :)
Good to see you gain weight!! :))
Thanks so much for the offer. We would love them. Once I get life organized a little more in this new home I will try and go through some of my girls old clothes, and see if there is anything I can give to you!
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