Thursday, November 13, 2008

At this moment

At this moment, I'm sitting on the couch, with the legs up. The CD player is not playing any 123 or ABC songs, but "Symphonic 'Say Yes' by Aska Orchestra". Haven't heard this CD for so long, it almost became ancient collection in the cabinet. Coffee table has an almost empty mug with hot coco. On the other side of the living room, was the monitor showing the quiet Yoshi's room............. after 13 hours with him today, plus an extra hr battling the sleepless Yoshi, I can finally have a little quiet moment to myself. (Nori is out dinner tonight). Perhaps lately Yoshi has been waking up at least once every night, or like last night, I had to sleep in his room to avoid more back and forth trips between our just wasn't as good night sleep these few nights. Not sure if it's the gas problem or is he having more teeth like others? hope next wk check up could give me some clues.... Physically and mentally was a bit exhausted after a long day (or days)......I know I might sound harsh compare to those who has a real full time job or to those single parents......I know I should appreciate I have the opportunity to spend great quality time with little Yoshi, and I DO...just at this moment, I am appreciating my little own time as well. Good night Yoshi, have a sweet dream tonight.


Anonymous said...

You deserve some rest my dear ! Hope Yoshi is getting better :)

Auntie Anna

amy said...

agree that it's absolutely important to have some "me" time, particularly for full-time mothers! sometimes it does seem we have lost our own identities.

and yes we live on tin hau temple road. will you be living with your parents when you're back? we can go out for fun together easily if you are close by!

this is gymboree hk's schedule:

it's pretty much the same every month. we go to the music 2 class at 11 am on sun. it's for 16 - 28 months. if we live close by, we can actually go there together! wow so excited! :)