Friday, November 14, 2008

Parenting Book

Lately Nori has several overnight trips, though it further reduces our family time together, but there is also a good side effect-- Thanks to Obaachan (grandma), somehow the book u bought for Nori made it into his travelling bag. So few nights when he came back home, he would told me what he has read/ learnt. (this is a book about parenting). I'm sure part of the reason was because there wasn't any good movies or magazines on the flight, so this book became his only entertainment. Since then, his new goal is to finish reading it at the upcoming's a good thing.

Let's put the book theories into practices.
Lately Yoshi was very into "stacking things"- books, cars, blocks...and each time he got really excited when those items were sucessfully being stacked.

While watching Yoshi being so concentrated in stacking his items:

Mama: "I think Yoshi has your (Nori) gene"

Nori: "I think Yoshi has YOUR gene"

Mama: "What gene of mine u are thinking?" (thinking to myself his possible answers were like - nice/ happy/ behaved....)

Nori: "your SILLY gene"

Mama: "Huh?!?! That wasn't what I was expecting"

Nori: "I mean......(start to rescue himself out from this topic....)...I mean...your happiness"

Mama: "Silly don't = to happy?!" "Oh well......I was actually thinking he has your gene- your engineering gene" "........but I guess not anymore....."

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