Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Doctor visits

At Dr. xyz's office where I was having a check up on my coughing......
Dr. xyz: "Ok mom, let me hear your lung."
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mama: "Yoshi, it's just me having a check up, not you, why are u crying?! Play with your choo choo.."

Dr. xyz: "Ok, let me give you a flu shot on your arm."
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mama: "Yoshi, it's on me, not you. Why are you crying?! Play with your choo choo.."

After the visit, we drove to the pediatrian office to have Yoshi's 18th month check up.
Nurse abc:" Mom, let's remove Yoshi's clothes and weight him."
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mama: "Yoshi, it's just a weight check, no need to cry"

Dr. efg:"Yoshi, let me check on you."
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Dr. efg: "ok, we will see you next time. Bye."
Yoshi: "............................................." catching up his breath from crying/ screaming from his lung.

At 18th month check up:
Weight- 23LB 2 oz (10500g)
Height- 33" (84cm)


Anonymous said...

haha, did you wa wa wa in return when Yoshi's having check up or shots?
I bet you must be laughing when he is screaming for help!

Kambayashi said...

Forgot to mention-
To help u visualize how much sturggle Yoshi was having at his check up (while trying to lay him down on the flat bed):-
Yoshi: "Wah Wah Wah ~~~~~~"
Nurse abc: "Mama, u just need to hold his head and arms, I will deal with his (fighting) legs!!!!"
Mama: "OK"

amy said...

haha, you know what, rafael will start crying when our car reaches the carpark of the shopping mall where the clinic is :P

good progress yoshi! rafael is nearly 4 months bigger and he's the same size as you (maybe even a bit smaller)! great job mom! :)

Anonymous said...

Hahaaaaaaaaa 十公斤!公公婆婆要合力抬才可以了. Good boy !
kk & pp

Anonymous said...

84cm??? So tall? I am only 168cm...half of my height?

Mays EE