Monday, February 4, 2013

Winter fun (& sickness)

Last week, me and the kids had the stomach flu. The last time we had it was about 3 yrs ago. It's one of the worse sickness a family have to go thru, because it's pretty  much passing one to another. Luckily, Nori was free this time. And the other lucky thing (lucky or not) was both Yoshi & Kiharu had their vomitting on the same night. It sure was a busy night, walking back and forth the hallway. I ended up getting the same the next night.

Day 1 after the rough night- our living room became a "Medical Center"
 Day 2- "Recovery Center"
 Day 3- back to normal with the big smiles
 Everyone is well now (except Nori still had a little bit of common cold symptoms). The weather had been cold and warm lately. So easy to get sick. But sure the kids enjoy every moment to be out there playing (or shovelling) the snow..

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