Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween
-- Our first pumpkin carving, starting from visit to pumpkin farm and picked out "the" pumpkin.

 Then it's time for carving with a group of friends together, it was a lot of fun (more for me and Nori. The kids lost interest after 10 minutes. But they enjoyed seeing the final result)

Happy Halloween.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Seasonal change

Fall is my favorite season, every trees turn into golden yellow color. But this fall come and gone too soon. Yesterday we were still wearing short sleeves, cleaning up the fallen leaves in yard. Today, we were all wearing jackets, sky turned from blue to dark grey, raining... very soon we will all be hibernating at home when winter comes.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It's just hair...

One morning at breakfast time~~
Nori: "Did u cut Kiharu's hair?" (with a suspecting tone)
Me: "hm......hm..... y-e-s.... just little bit at the back and front, only "trimming""
Nori: "W-H-Y!!!!!!!!!" (with a sad/disappointing look) ..... "Want her to have long hair"
Me: (oh my!!) "It's just hair, not even worth arguing about it."

 "Good morning"
 Saw this at Yoshi's classroom. Love seeing his art, so cute. It's about "family portrait". Funny thing, he even tried to write Nori's name on it.... HAHA.... ^_^

Friday, October 19, 2012

Toothfairy visit again

Last night, the toothfairy came by for her 2nd time. Yoshi was so excited before bedtime, wondering what tooth fairy might bring to him in celebrating this milestone. The dentist gave Yoshi this little teeth shape container, how cute it is...

Yoshi kept this container underneath his pillow..... At 5a.m this morning, I heard him calling my name. When I walked into his room, I can clearly see his big smile even with little nightlight and my half open eyes. He was so happy seeing the little toy car that toothfairy left behind for him. Luckily he was able to go back to sleep for little longer before school...... but we are all wondering, how come toothfairy knows exactly what he wants, does she and Santa clause share the same "wish list" information?

Monday, October 15, 2012

Wind & Kite

It was a very windy Sunday morning.What's better to do then grabbing the flip flops and kites to our own backyard and had some fun.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Lately, I feel like I haven't been doing a great job in spending quality time with the kids. I used to do a lot of craft or cooking things with Yoshi, but I have been lacking the creative mood. I think part of me, I'm trying to deal with the changing phrase of the kids..... or more I should say is Kiharu.

Every morning, she woke up with a great smile. But then as the day goes, her split personality comes out..... I don't know if that's call "terrible two". I remember as Yoshi was little, I used to call him "curious" rather than terrible two. The challenge with Kiharu is her desire to be "equal" as her brother. No matter what I try to do with Yoshi, she wants the SAME.

As Yoshi is now 5 yrs old, there are many things I want to do with him base on his skills, or at least he should have my one on one attention once in a while. But having her around, she just wouldn't let go. She would FIGHT for her right to be there. She has such a strong will in mind, or would that be call "stubborn"? If she couldn't get what she wants, then she cries.

I have tried many ways, but yet to find the effective ones. I know maybe sometimes I'm also treating her "equally" as her brother, which isn't fair either. There are times, I would teach Yoshi to talk to Kiharu, letting her know the right and wrong, but seems like that would only add more frustration to both parties.

This blog updated was started 20 hours ago,  but as soon as I'm typing, kids would want my full attention or I would need to stop the siblings rivary.... If "my job" would allow personal leave day off, perhaps I would have submitted one yesterday.....

Well, it's 7:49a.m, Yoshi just left to school with Nori. Kiharu is still sleeping, I'm getting my little moment of peace ..... before my "learning parenthood begins". 

(they picked the hairstyle, and I cut it. They definitely have different personality base on their choice of stickers for facial expression)
(We baked bananna cupcake together, thinking it was a great bonding experience. But being a chef wasn't easy when your little helpers were fighting for job duties.....)

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Big girl's bed

So the day had came switching Kiharu into a big girl's bed. I wasn't sure if I...I....I was ready (not anyone else), but I need to prepare ourselves for upcoming potty train, I think we need to do this.

It's been 3 days since we made the switch. To my suprise, she was happy, but also having a bit separation anxiety when it comes to bed time. In the past, I could just walk away after saying goodnight, but with this new transition, she wants someone to stay with her.  And the last few nights, she would either come over to our room at 5a.m or cried in the middle of the night...... (these sleepless night totally confirm I do not want to have any newborn in the middle of the night either)

I've also noticed perhaps it's time to stop her afternoon nap (even I desperately need this quiet time). She has a difficult time falling asleep at night. However, this also leads to a cranky little one during evening. In the day time, she is like a little cute angel, but when it comes to late afternoon, we are all struggling with her "terrible 2"?! I have always use the term "curiosity", which makes me a bit more sensitive to her cranky behaviors. 95% of the "domestic disputes" between siblings are caused by her... Really, how many toys and books do we have at home, why does she have to grab the one Yoshi was using?!

Oh well, my days lately have been ending with exhaustion. If you do want to hear kids crying, try calling us before bedtime, you will have a high chance to experience that for sure... ^_^

Weekend... please come sooner..........................