Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Holiday is coming to town

We just had a long Thanksgiving holiday this past weekend, totally spoiled having Nori home with us for 4 days straight. I almost had (or I did have) a Monday anxiety at the end..... Besides having wonderful dinners with friends (Thanks Wendy & Nora family), we also put up the Christmas Tree. Last year, Kiharu was bearly able to walk, but now, she was a great Santa's little helper.

This year, we are going to introduce Mr. Santa (& his team) to Yoshi. It's going to be an interesting concept. Though I have only told him little bit, but he's been already asking if "tomorrow" is Christmas?! He did ask where does Santa live? and if we could call him on the phone?!

Look forward to share more about this holiday with him, and I'm sure lots of funny stories will come out from him.

Mrs. Santa is busy creating a calendar, so eventually Yoshi can start his own Christmas count down..... Ho Ho Ho!!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011


I always worry about the kids in the middle of the night, because they both dislike having any blankets wrap around their bodies (which I know most kids are the same). So particularly in the winter time, I found myself waking up few times to check on them.

To stop that sleepless cycle, I decided to get new pajamas for the kids. When Yoshi saw the one piece outfit, he wanted one too. Now, I can get some good sleep, and they both have lots of fun every night after bathtime. The only challenge is, Yoshi has a difficult time getting off that pajama by himself......especially when he needs to RUSH to bathroom in the morning........(never thought about that before).

Monday, November 21, 2011

Music Hall

Can't believe Christmas is right around the corner, Thanksgiving holiday is this weekend. There are so much going on lately, just not enough time. ......

Anyway, two weekends ago, we took the kids to attend a kids event organized by Cincinnati Orchestra Symphony. This was the second time we attended at the Music Hall. It was a short 40 minutes performance, but good enough for the little ones. They both enjoyed the music.

So here are the follow up photos from previous blog post. YES, they did help cleaning up the toy mess. (or should I say do they really have any choice? unless they want to give away everything....) Only wish, it would have been a quick clean up, rather than a 15 mins activity, during the bedtime rush hour......

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Spaces between the mess

This evening, the kids had decided to dump out all the toys from the bins, so they can use the bins as sitting tools. I tried not to look at the mess (headache), as long as they are not bothering my cooking.

Later on, Yoshi asked to watch a video before dinner, I told him he needs to clean up, there is no place for them to sit anyway. So guess what, two of them managed to push the toys away, so to clear a path to the sofa, and two (perfect) spots for them to sit. Then said "Mama, see now we can sit. We will clean up the toys after dinner." (smart kids). Well, in order to finish up my cooking, I agree to that negotiation. And my agreement was "if you don't clean up after dinner, all the toys will be donated to other kids....". Let's see.....

Friday, November 11, 2011

The diary of brother and sister

Nov 10th diary- While preparing dinner, heard little argument over the play area, then followed by Yoshi's screaming with his finger holding up. "Kiharu bite my finger" I was in disbelieve till I saw the teeth mark (not "tooth"). Poor guy. He was crying (with shock). Kiharu didn't seem to think it was that bad, till she saw her brother crying hysterically....then she cried. After apologizing, hugging and kissing (typical demand from victim in our house), things went back to normal.

Nov 11th diary- Yoshi is always very protective with his trains. (& Kiharu never seems to understand that point...of course, she is only 1 yr old). But tonight, with Yoshi's good mood and Kiharu's good behavior (in front of train station), I tried something new. I told Yoshi to let Kiharu participate with the train conducting. And I told Kiharu she needs to "ask for permission" before touching (anything). After few attempts, seems like it's working (so far). The conversation went like this:

Yoshi: "Kiharu, ask me (for permission)"
Kiharu: "May I? (in Japanese)"
Yoshi: "Yes, you may (in Japanese)"
then suppose Kiharu should thank Yoshi afterwards, but she always forgets, so...
Yoshi: "Kiharu, say thank you (to me)"

Monday, November 7, 2011

Yoshi, what's your real age?

(Photos from few wks ago)

(Feels like Yoshi is just missing a suit and briefcase.....)

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Home bakery

I grow up playing with dolls, pretend cooking, pretend haircut with my mom or board games with family..... I'm certainly not good in pushing toy cars in circles, or flying planes around the house, or holding cardboard box pretend moving train......no, they don't require specific skills, but lots of patience & routine physical movement..... With Yoshi, I realized cooking is one of the most enjoyable learning activities. (prefer during Kiharu's nap time though).

Yesterday, I was off the schedule, so we ended up doing the bakery with the little helper (for the first time). The first thing I did was to give her a small dough, kept her busy to start with. It took her a little while to feel comfortable in playing with that mushy texture. I did spot "someone" trying to taste the dough & the dry fruit ingredient....

Yoshi was in charge of the sweet bun (with dry blueberry), I was in charge of the salty one, and Kiharu..........let's just say she dropped her (only) dough on the floor.......

Tuesday, November 1, 2011