Sunday, September 30, 2007

Backyard BBQ gathering

This Saturday, we have invited all Nori's co-workers and their families to our backyard BBQ gathering. It was a lot of fun sharing different games and food. Yoshi got to meet many new friends and hear other languages as well. Now after 2 picnic/gatherings these past weeks, fall is finally here, weather will soon be much cooler......Oh Mr. Sunshine, please stay longer.............

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Good .......Morning!!!!

Today, I have a great start in the morning:

- Yoshi didn't have any fever last night from the vaccination, very relief.
- He woke up with a big big smile.
- He slept for almost 7 hrs straight since 1a.m. feeding, so I got good rest too.
- Today is picture perfect weather, cool and lots of sunshine.
- (Later today, we have invited Nori's co-workers and their families to come for backyard BBQ, it will be lots of fun.)
- I went to get McDonald breakfast carry out, which is one of my favorite
- I was able to totally relax during that 20 mins driving- sunroof opened; turn up the music; no make up; enjoying the morning breeze which I have missed for so long.
- Even stop by to get some flowers to brighten the day
- Came home seeing both father and son sleeping together quietly.
- (and I even have time to do this blog....which I can't wait to share)
Just like the Mastercard commercial "... there is something money cannot buy, it's priceless..." well........I did spend $9 for the breakfast and gas money too.....but the unexpected joyful feeling I have this priceless!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2007

It's time again

I know some of you have asked me not to tape Yoshi's doctor visit anymore, as you don't want to see him suffering from those 4 shots of vaccination. But I can't help...... Today is his 4th month visit, and it's those same 4 shots (+ 1 oral medication) again. He did much better today, perhaps knowing daddy took a half day off just to be with him. Here is his report card:

Weight: 14LB 12oz (6690gm), 76 percentile

Height: 26" (66cm), 75 percentile

Head Circumference: 16.8" (43cm)

The next doctor visit will be 6th month check up, and don't tell Yoshi yet, but he will have the same 4 shots again ......

(Update: Yoshi is now sleeping. He did fuzz a little bit late evening, but luckily no fever. And his smile came back right before he goes to bed.....can't wait for his big smile in the morning.......)


Such a carefree stroller ride for Yoshi, he is always very relax when we cruise around the neighbourhood, and enjoying his yummy finger lollipops.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

No co-incidence Part II

Guess what happen at 3a.m. this morning-------Yoshi woke up in the middle of the night, and turn ON that music box!!!!!!!!!! The light and sound woke me up too!!! and of course not only did it make him more awake, it also reminded him there is late night snack available (even though I'm trying to avoid night time feeding.........) Huh.......

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

No co-incidence....

(later this afternoon...............) See, Yoshi did use his hand to press that button (he was complaining it's too noisy when he was trying to take a nap......)

4 months old

Yoshi is 4 months old today. Recently, he starts to interact more with his toys, learning all the different tricks on how to play with those, sometimes just by observing how we show him. Can't believe how fast he learns.... Yesterday, I was shocked to find out he is able to turn on and off the music box next to his crib. If u think it's just a co-incident, your are WRONG!!! At first he was using his feet, then later on with his hand. He turned around his body, trying hard to press that button.....oh no.. very soon, he can climb out from that crib then......

Monday, September 24, 2007

Summer 2007 Picnic

(Photos- 2005 / 2006 / 2007....more & more new members)

I have been organizing annual summer picnic with my co-workers for 3 yrs. It's always been fun to spend time together with families and friends. Last yr, it was freezing cold around mid Oct, so we decided to do it in Sept this yr, but the weather went to an extreme hot. Still, everyone had lots of fun. See how much the kids have grown, and more new members each year. Although Yoshi (& Oliver) are not walking yet, but they had been checking out the games. Perhaps next summer picnic, we will find them running around chasing the older kids...... More photos:

Be quiet!! I'm trying to take a nap....

This morning there were some guys working inside the house. After everyone left, this was what I saw on the crib- Yoshi was sleeping with sucking one hand and the other covering his eyes, trying to take a nap......

Friday, September 21, 2007

Bath or camera time?!

While giving Yoshi a bath, half way thru, he notice the camcord, so he started looking at it. The interesting part was he has never seen this camcord before, and it's sitting far away by itself (no one else was in the room)..... I guess he's camera sensitive... (wonder why I even tape this? it's for both grandmas......this tub is not just a simple tub, but it has been flew all the way from JP, checked in lucky Yoshi is!!!!)

Thursday, September 20, 2007

I've got it!!!

So after teaching Yoshi few more times, now he can grab the toy on his own (thanks Junko-san for the toy, he is very into it). Baby learns so fast...check out his smile after he grab it. But the other hand....was he trying to tell us "hold on/wait" or was he conducting to the background music?!

Rock and roll

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Back view

Am I ready to sit up by myself yet?

Answer is: "not yet".....heehee....

Towel escape

Yoshi is being wrapped with a towel before bath, so I can wash his hair first while his arms and legs will not be moving much. But this strategy is no longer working. I always find his arms are full of shampoo before his bath begins....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Pull pull

Yoshi starts to pull things- mainly 1)my hair (accidentally), when I carry him; 2) his own hair, when he gets frustrated while not having enough to eat..... wonder what's next he is aiming to pull?!

Stuck again

Too bad the nap time crib is not long enough, he always gets stuck right at the 90 degree.... (these were taken every 5 mins, he was trying to create a sleepy mood, but obviously it was a bit struggle)

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

It's time to sleep

Normally, Yoshi falls asleep in the crib downstairs while waiting for Nori to come home. He will watch the mobile going round and round, then falls asleep. Tonight, Nori has business dinner, so I decided to bring Yoshi upstairs to the bedroom earlier. After 75 mins standing by the crib, 25 times of repeating the same lullaby, 2 poopy diapers change (he did have the 3rd unfinished business, but I have faith on the Pampers diaper and not to risk waking up the snoozing baby)....... Yoshi is now finally asleep!! The book said it's better off to let baby learn how to fall asleep by themselves in the crib, rather than holding or rocking them till the end, otherwise, it will become a habbit. So that's what mom is trying to do......................Zzzzzzzzzzz Good night Yoshi. Sweet dream.

Happy birthday grandpa 公公

公公, happy birthday. Can't wait to see you & grandma in Dec again. And I want to 騎牛牛 (Piggyback ride). ^_^

Yummy finger lollipop

So exactly how many fingers can Yoshi fit into his mouth? Funny thing is sometimes he might choke himself with stucking his fingers too much...hee hee...
Grandpa- daddy said you used to put wasabi on his fingers, that's how he stop sucking. Is that right? I think someday he will do the same on mine too, I better watch out for wasabi or tabasco flavor.

こんにちは Koniichiwa

A cute Japanese outfit from Ooka family. Wonder what happen to Yoshi's curly hair? he just took a bath.....

Monday, September 10, 2007

Hello girls!!

Yoshi loves taking photo with girls, here he got to meet our old neighbours- Alexis & Danielle.

Friday, September 7, 2007

What comes with the baby package

Yoshi has been with us for 15 wks. Time has gone by so quick. He used to be so little, now, he is as heavy as a bag of rice. As much as me and Nori have wanted a baby for quite some time, nothing can prepare us on "what comes with the baby".

Recently, I read a blog post from a mom 媽媽阿四 talking about bathroom luxury, got me thinking what I used to take for granted:

- Sleep: those were the good old days when we slept 10 hrs straight, now I'm amaze if Yoshi didn't call for milk truck in 4 hrs.

- Bathroom visit: since when it has became a luxury of privacy? (not long though) always have the pre-cut toilet paper (not magazine) on-hand for emergency......

- Ironing clothes: how long does it take to iron 3 shirts? well, let's say the on/off switch on the iron is about to fall off....

- Beauty: If I could finish cutting 10 finger nails all at once, that's a success. Don't be greedy, toe nails got to wait.

- Computer: thanks to the "draft/ auto-save" function. When was the last time I type something without any disturbance....

- Restaurant seating: avoid sushi bar, because by the time we can fit the stroller between me and Nori's seating, we realize microphone is needed for our conversation.

- Multi-tasking: if i could manage to flip the 'about to burn' dumplings on the frying pan, and changing the 'fresh hot' poopy diapers 3 ft away before overflow, I think I'm doing alright.

At the end of the day, Yoshi's smile, his giggle, his funny facial expressions, and even his cry, have made all these changes well worth. Our lives are fill with happiness and we are glad to have all of u to share. Thanks.

More latest hairstyles

(taken yesterday)
(Taken back on July 2nd)
Love to play with Yoshi's hair....(u know, afterall, there are only so many activities I can create to entertain ourselves thruout the day) .....Looks like with these past 2 months, Yoshi's head has become more square & perhaps has gain some muscles (or maybe just the shirt has gotten tight for him)

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Dance move

So you know by now Yoshi likes karaoke, check out his dance move with arm movement. (he tends to "flip" his arms when he gets excited about something....^_^)

Up close, can u smell my breath?

Finger pacifier

When Yoshi gets tired, he tends to start sucking his fingers to create a sleepy mood. Are those really that tasty??!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Get me out of the crib....

百日の祝い (Happy 100 day)

In Japan, there is celebration for baby's 100th day. We followed the tradition of cooking red bean rice and fish (the whole fish, not filet). We set up a plate for Yoshi even with new pair of chopsticks. Though he can't enjoy the food, but at least he got to see and smell his first plate of solid food. ^_^

No more tears

Last time we put Yoshi in big bath tub, it ended up with his tears. We have decided to try again, but this time- when he's in GREAT mood. See, he does like playing with water....

Monday, September 3, 2007

Happy Labor Day weekend

Happy Birthday Ethan

(Yoshi- at the end of the party, see how tired he was, having so much fun & what a hairstyle)

Yoshi got invited to the first birthday party, celebrating Ethan's one yr old. Yoshi has never met so many kids (& people) before, he had so much fun. I think he and Ethan start to bond very well, they always shake hands each time they met. Happy birthday Ethan.