Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Recently, we have been to the library a lot. Now that Kiharu is able to pick out her book (princess, cartoon character...), it's fun to go there. They love picking out their books (along with my selection) We would borrow at least 15 books at a time, and soon, we would be back for more. It's a great way to keep them away from too much TV, and we enjoy the afternoon/ bedtime story.
For English, Yoshi is still learning  to recognize"sight words". But he enjoys looking at all the pictures to guess the meaning. Then when I have time, I will read with him. The other day after I read to him once, I told him to read to Kiharu. So he did, and Kiharu loves listening to her big brother. It doesn't happen often, usually, they are reading on their own. 
(I cannot figure out why the photos being upload strangely... will try again some other time) 

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