Friday, September 7, 2007

What comes with the baby package

Yoshi has been with us for 15 wks. Time has gone by so quick. He used to be so little, now, he is as heavy as a bag of rice. As much as me and Nori have wanted a baby for quite some time, nothing can prepare us on "what comes with the baby".

Recently, I read a blog post from a mom 媽媽阿四 talking about bathroom luxury, got me thinking what I used to take for granted:

- Sleep: those were the good old days when we slept 10 hrs straight, now I'm amaze if Yoshi didn't call for milk truck in 4 hrs.

- Bathroom visit: since when it has became a luxury of privacy? (not long though) always have the pre-cut toilet paper (not magazine) on-hand for emergency......

- Ironing clothes: how long does it take to iron 3 shirts? well, let's say the on/off switch on the iron is about to fall off....

- Beauty: If I could finish cutting 10 finger nails all at once, that's a success. Don't be greedy, toe nails got to wait.

- Computer: thanks to the "draft/ auto-save" function. When was the last time I type something without any disturbance....

- Restaurant seating: avoid sushi bar, because by the time we can fit the stroller between me and Nori's seating, we realize microphone is needed for our conversation.

- Multi-tasking: if i could manage to flip the 'about to burn' dumplings on the frying pan, and changing the 'fresh hot' poopy diapers 3 ft away before overflow, I think I'm doing alright.

At the end of the day, Yoshi's smile, his giggle, his funny facial expressions, and even his cry, have made all these changes well worth. Our lives are fill with happiness and we are glad to have all of u to share. Thanks.

1 comment:

amy said...

couldn't agree more!

(nursing rafael and typing with one hand... :P)