Monday, June 14, 2010

Hope we did make the right decision (for right now)

About a month ago, doctor had referred us to take Kiharu to visit the plastic surgery department at the Cincinnati Children Hospital. The concern was about Kiharu's head shape. Because she has a preference to sleep on her left side, so it's obviously more flat on her left head shape. By the time when we notice, she was already close to 4 months.

Long story short, the plastic surgeon did recommend helmet to treat the "plagiocephaly".(click on the word for more detail information). It was a huge debate on our part about this treatment, consider it's more of cosmetic purpose. At the end of the day, we decided to hold off on the helmet due to the upcoming trip back to Asia, which will be lacking of routine check up. (once u wear the helmet, constant follow up checking is needed in case of reshaping the helmet for fitting)

Starting from today, once a week, Kiharu is having a physical therapy treatment. It's more easing the neck muscle, worrying it would get too tense on her right side. Today's treatment started off in a bad way, she was crying the entire hour because it's right at her nap time, and who would want someone to turn tilt your head while sleepy...I don't blame her..^_^ luckily these exercises were easy to do on our own at home, when she was in much better mood. And we did notice she is turning her head both side while awake and asleep, so it's a good sign for improvement.

And recently, she starts to turn around, sleep sideway, and even able to sit up in bumbo seat. I don't remember how soon all these happen during 5th month. It's so much fun seeing all these. Hopefully, these will also help to lift the pressure on her head.

Bottom line, she is a happy baby (well....most of the time....if she isn't sleepy), healthy & enjoy having Yoshi around. That's all matter the most.

Oh no....daddy's gene....T-V.


Anonymous said...

Hi Sabrina, both my kids had the same issue but they grew out of it in time. (I think Michael was more lob-sided when he was Kiharu's age). The Dr kept telling us that it's OK. We made a few adjustments at home so the kids could be trained to turn the other way. Like you said, most important of all, they are happy and healthy.

The helmet is a new concept to me but I think it would be well received here in HK. There are too many lame old wife's tales around on curing this (like 搓搓下就會圓!)- this is more credible!

Kitty L

amy said...

i think it isn't that obvious? i do think kiharu's head is quite balanced! yeah i think even if there are any differences, they will eventually grow out of it. don't worry!