Thursday, January 6, 2011

(Constant) Territory disputes

Having two kids, the biggest challenge right now got to be the terrority disputes. From the beginning, I am always teaching Yoshi to "share" and "report incidents", instead of dealing with force by himself. He doesn't know, he's so used to have all the space and toys to his own, but suddenly, there comes Kiharu, just like a giant beast crawling all over his train tracks, taking away every cars, chewing on every books, tearing every piece of paper.....

It's not an easy or overnight learning task. Is there a moment when I caught him slapping her head to try stopping her? yes of course; Is there a moment of loud S.O.S scream towards her? yes of course; but he's doing much better. He has learnt to call for my help or share his toys with her. Hang in there Yoshi, it will get better soon (hopefully).

Auntie Veron, the Tomy car mat u gave Yoshi in the summer, we had actually saved till Christmas for him to open. He didn't play with it till yesterday, almost as if he found a treasure hidden somewhere. (thank you again) He was so excited to pull out his cars and planes. And of course, little Kiharu was "excited" as well..........

Green dotted lines indicate the severe territory battle zones......
(turn down your headphone volume just in case.....)


Amy, here are Yoshi's two favorite train encyopedias- 1) Chinese one- my brother bought that in bookstore in HK. Sure u can find it. Shinkansen + trains. I'm suprise Yoshi was reading every pages in this book, even though they all look the same to me....and it's a good tool to keep him busy & quiet for a while (maybe u can bake more cakes afterwards)

We got this second one from Japan, but maybe u can find in JP bookstore. It's about those train tracks (palarail). Yoshi is never tired of flipping this book over and over again. The best part, it's hard cover + pages, so it's unchewable for Kiharu. ^_^


Cecilia said...

It seemed that Kiharu was ignoring all the warnings from Yoshi!

Kambayashi said...

Just now I played the video, Yoshi said "唔可以da-me (that's what he was yelling to Kiharu meaning don't), 要 share..share" least he knows that's not right.... let's see what happen later when Kiharu woke up from nap..

amy said...

you and yoshi should be so proud! it's great to see that yoshi is expressing his frustration in words and not fists! who wouldn't be frustrated and upset to see his most treasured toys snatched away (even by your love)! great job yoshi, and great job mom! :)

and thank you so much for taking pics on the encyclopedia for me! saved me on choosing a birthday present for rafi! :)

馬渡太太 said...

