Tuesday, March 22, 2011

How does a 3 year old brain work?

Tonight's dinner menu: rice + chicken + daikon (Japanese radish) -all separate items on plate

Half way at the dinner, Yoshi told me he was almost done with the rice, only a few pieces of chicken and the daikon left (he didn't eat the daikon yet as I could tell)

Few minutes later while I was washing dishes, Yoshi suddenly ran out from his chair towards the couch "Stomach hurt...it hurt....". His reaction made me dried my wet hand immediately........ on the way to check on him, I spotted his dinner plate------everything was gone EXCEPT the daikon.....I thought to myself "is it that coincidence?

"Yoshi, are u ok?" ............. "My stomach hurt!!!!!" (he reassured by pointing stomach)

"Oh, then U can't eat orange" .........(OH!!)"hm.....yes I can" (uncertain facial expression)

"No, stomach hurt can't eat orange"........... (stand up right away) "I'm fine now, not hurting"

........................................................................... "but I don't want to eat daikon"

"Why?"............."I'm full" ................."if u are full, then u can't eat orange"............(OH!!!!)

...........................................after few mins, all daikon were gone, and we ate a yummy orange.

(So someone please explain to me how the toddler's brain really work??)


amy said...

i can assure you yoshi is still a easy toddler compared to rafi. good job mom! :P

amy said...
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blueberrydream said...

So cute and smart ^^ ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, what a funny conversation ! And I'm so impressed by the way you handled this !!

Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...

Simply love Yoshi...

Mays EE

Cecilia said...

Yoshi is smart, but he has a smarter mum!

Unknown said...

I think it's universal toddler thinking. I've been through the same ritual, time and again with both my children. :) Stick with it! Once they know the rules (and that you'll enforce them consistently), they'll stop trying so hard to get around it.

Unknown said...

Oops! Apparently, John changed our Google account. That last comment was from Tara.