Monday, March 21, 2011


Kiharu is a good girl. She is happy all the time (except if she doesn't recognize u, then it will take some time to warm up). The biggest challenge with her got to be meal time. I tried many methods to keep her in the seat, but nothing really works well.

Recently, I have moved her highchair to a "island zone", meaning no chairs or tables within her reach (when I say 'reach', I mean even she lays her whole body onto the table.) Then I would give her own little bowl and spoon for feeding. This way, I can eat my own dinner. But it's not easy watching this whole self feeding process.... She doesn't like wearing her bib, so everything fell onto her clothes & chair....I have to say, I tried so hard not to let that bother me.......maybe I should have her eat inside the bathtub......

1 comment:

Cecilia said...

I really like the 'island' part! Very smart mum!