Tuesday, April 12, 2011


These past few weeks, I have been busy with organizing the fundraising event, click HERE for more information. We had a great success last Sunday. But it's not over yet, we are still working on a few ideas. I love what I'm doing. Before kids, I used to think my dream job would be some sort of event planning/ organizing type. So doing a fund raising event is what I'm interest in.

However, being a stay at home mom and wife, it's not easy. I can't do this without the patience and support of my family. Sometimes I feel guilty not being able to spend enough time with Yoshi, but luckily Kiharu keeps him busy. I definitely have a whole new respect to all the working moms. After a long day of work, with dinner, kids, bathtime, bedtime...not to mention the occasional sickness=sleepless nights..... you are super moms for sure.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's good now that Yoshi has Kiharu and vice versa, and I so look forward to seeing them again in HK, when they'll probably be holding hands wandering around together ;)

p.s. Good job at the fund raising event and pls don't forget my Relax watch ...

Auntie Anna