Monday, April 4, 2011

Rolax watch (u mean Rolex?)

Rolax Watch (no, I didn't spell wrong, it's just a "made in China" version of Rolex)

It's with 24K gold, and unisex.

If you are interest in buying a Rolax watch, just let us know, it's free shipping. Comes with all different color. You can choose 24K or Platinum face for the watch. (non-water resistant)

Lately, it's all about origami, the big fundraising day is coming up soon. Hope the weather will be nice and more people be able to come out.....


Anonymous said...

Nice watch !! Kiharu seems to really like it too ... can't wait to see more origami products from your "shop" !

Auntie Anna

Unknown said...

We were so sad it rained all day yesterday! I was looking forward to Kite Fest all week! I hope things are going well for you there today!