Friday, May 20, 2011

Being outside

After a long night, the clock is about to strike midnight. Although my brain is already in sleep(y) mode, but at least I want to post photos of the kids.

It was a beautiful day, after few days of cold weather, sun is back. We went to the park after lunch, then did gardening work with Yoshi. But the highlight for them, must be the rare shopping after dinner. Since Nori ate out tonight, so I took the kids to the store, walked around the toys dept. They loved pushing those buttons on toys that makes sounds, light and movement....almost as if we all got some retail therapy (window shopping) before bedtime. Sweet dream tonight.....Zzzzzz

P.s- last night, we heard Yoshi struggling in bed, he must be having some sort of nightmare. He said few times "da-me" ("No...No.." in Japanese). So I told Nori "Since Yoshi was saying in Japanese, OBVIOUSLY, it wasn't me that create his stressful dream...wonder who that might be?!" ^_^

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