Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Train ride

One of the best thing about Hong Kong is the public transportation. For rainy day like today, nothing plan, what's better than going for a train ride. I took the kids out on my own, getting onto a bus heading to train station. I had nothing plan, but eventually getting off at one of the station, and had lunch there.  Even though it was raining, but we didn't even have to use the umbrella once. It's a great way to spend few hours.
 The second best about Hong Kong got to be having bakery stores everywhere. So even if kids weren't in the mood of rice or noodle, they can always enjoy all different kinds of delicious bread at anytime (without having to wait for bread machine)


Anonymous said...

And the Ferry too ! Should take the Ferry with them ... though the ride will only last for, what, 2 mins ?

Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...

p.s. It feels funny that I still stick to the habit of visiting your blog even though you're now in HK. Ha.

Auntie Anna