Sunday, July 1, 2012

Democracy & freedom

(July 1st) I have not been particular interest in politics, nor have I ever participate in marching any protest before. But the past 1.5 month here, made me realize things have changed. The democracy and freedom that we have always taken for granted perhaps don't even exist in other places, or even our own neighbours across the border. The reality of losing it isn't impossible unless we voice our opinions. Although we didn't complete the marching route, nor things will change overnight, but at least we did what feels right, and being counted as one of the 400,000 participants, feels right. And although Yoshi doesn't seem to fully understand what/who he's shouting for/against, or why he's there, but what's most important, is the experience he had. And hope he will understand someday, freedom is a very precious gift we enjoy, but can't be taken for granted....
(Click HERE for more news report about the protest)

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