Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Yoshi's school doesn't have any homework at all. When we are at home in the afternoon, I would have him do some writing and math practice. As Kiharu's nap is slowly fading away, I need to find things to occupy her time too. So for the first time, I let her do some cutting practice, she LOVES it. She kept asking for more. And to my suprise, she is pretty good with it too. Maybe it's a girl's thing.....

Kiharu: "I like Hello Kitty"
Yoshi: "I don't like Hello Kitty. I like Shinkansen, cars, Ultraman...."
Kiharu: "すごい!!" ("wow")


Vicky said...

So cute!

I wanted to leave you a comment to tell you that we are also in an international marriage and we ALSO have a Yoshi(ki) and Kiharu, but our Kiharu is a boy (and goes by the nickname Harry half the time). What a coincidence!

(I found your blog by idly googling the name Kiharu, as it's unusual, and I wanted to see if there were any others around!)

Kambayashi said...

Hi Vicky, thanks for your message. I still cannot believe what a coincidence that we both have kids with same names. And somehow u found us here. I briefly saw your blog, if I have more time, I sure would love to read more (hope u don't mind). I do want to understand more about life in JP, I mean local style. I have not really live there before, though with many visit. Thanks again for your message, great motivation for me to keep writing/ posting photos at least, which it seems like having less time to do so lately. BTW, u can call me Sabrina. Take care.