Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Potty training

It's been a few days since we started Kiharu's potty training. Thanks to Obaa-chan's Shimajiro stickers kit (arigatou), that's her motivation to keep trying. Kiharu has no hesitation to go into the bathroom (most of the time). The suprising thing is, she does not want the kid size toilet seat. She just wants to sit right on top of the regular seat. She said she wants to be like Yoshi. (of course). And somehow, she manages without falling into the big hole....

Today, she had one accident, and two stickers (including big and small business). Great job little girl. Those diaper genie refill is way too expensive, hope we don't need to buy anymore...


Anonymous said...

l remember how much Kiharu loves stickers ! Good job kichan (and mama... hehe)

Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...



kk & pp