Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Letter from Santa

Today, we got this SUPRISE in mailbox........
It all started two weeks ago...... Yoshi & Kiharu had each written/drawn letters to Santa Clause (their first experiences)
 Yoshi was very serious about it. He put a lot of thoughts and "research" into his letter.... (flipping through his toy catalog for inspirations)
 Page 1 & 2 (at the bottom with 4 smiley faces, that means he was telling Santa- Yoshi + Kiharu + Nori + mama are very happy and have been very good this year)
 Page 3 & 4
Kiharu's....full of "bubbles" (according to her)
 Then we went to post office & mailed those drawings to Santa. (supposely...) ......
Two weeks later- today, we finally got Santa's reply!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Well..... Yoshi's very puzzling look on his face was only because Santa's letter was written in English, which he doesn't understand how to read yet.  But after my reading, he was so excited. ^_^ Now both of them cannot wait till Christmas day.
(bare with me this holiday month, hard to keep up with the blog posting.. but sure will post more when I can.)

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