Monday, March 25, 2013


One of the bonding activity for Yoshi & Nori is Lego. Yoshi likes to use his Lego to create diffferent things. I'm glad to see that he's not just following instruction books, but also to add his creativity & imagination.
 He built a jail house on his own....with the lego "robbers" sitting in jail behind bars. Wonder what the policemen were discussing about?!
 His "rockets" creation
 I was really suprise to see this, can u figure out what? (see below for answer)
 Kiharu has her own girly version (thank you kung kung, po po). She had Yoshi helping her to put these together.
..... so this is what Yoshi had created with Lego..... He had borrowed Doraemon books from Japanese school library. How cute he related that to Lego....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So creative ! And nice pics (as usial) ;)

Auntie Anna