Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Since we are stuck at home, creativity is important......I have done few experiments with little Yoshi.....

Experiment #1- "What happen if I put his yummy snack further away?"RESULT: He made it after putting lots of effort. (he even cheered for himself)
Experiment #2- "What happen if I leave few drops of water on his food tray?"RESULT: Playful Yoshi. Perhaps thought he could hold on to it.......
Experiment #3- "What happen if I play Russian Roulette game with his snack, will he still pick the right choice?"

RESULT: Confused!!


amy said...

mommy is really creative and experimental! and good job, yoshiちゃん!

amy said...

btw, got that recent comments widget from your referral too! it's useful! thanks! :)

Kambayashi said...

Amy, u are welcome. so now we no longer need to figure out if we've missed any new comment ^_^ (actually thx to Uncle Henry for the widget- he's our photographer + computer technician)

Anonymous said...

#3 -Yoshi was doing the smart way by having the wrapper first and mom's game will be stopped, then he will have his snack finally, good boy !

kk & pp

Wario said...

Experiment #4- "What happen if Pui mama put a "Hello Kitty" mask on her face, will Yoshi still recognize Pui mama? or both of you try "Little Twin Stars"?

Result: ..... I want to see hahaha!!