Monday, February 16, 2009

Very tired...

Many people always say if they are tired, they can sleep anytime at anywhere. But perhaps, if u are as little as Yoshi, u might be able to sleep while shopping.......Zzzzzzzz......

Inside IKEA


Anonymous said...

I always jealous those parents who have kids that can sleep anywhere, anytime! How come my kids are not like that! They will only become so fussy (and crazy) if they can't sleep in the car or their bed!

Childress Family said...

I try that all the time with my girls, and it almost never works. Those are some adorable pictures!

Kambayashi said...

Hey Cecilia & Chelsea, the trick is ~ put him in there AFTER he fell asleep on my shoulder. And if u add daddy's jacket on top, it might help as well. But if that still doesn't work, then maybe it's just the boy's thing. (So Chelsea, maybe u can try next year....^_^)