This holiday, we have escaped the snowy Cincinnati to a rainly San Francisco. After the 15 hrs flight to Hong Kong this past summer, the 4.5 hrs flight to San Francisco was much easier to handle. The kids seemed to have adapted easily in the flight cabin as well.

Ho Ho Ho, Merry X'mas morning....

Now who's camera sensitive?! (we had brought only little gifts along just for the holiday spirit. All the other gifts are still under the tree back home)

Christmas day- no where open except the Jewish Museum. We were there not for any religious reason, but for the Curious George exhibition. After reading so many George stories to Yoshi, it's so cute to see the exhibit. It's not huge, but kind of cute to see all the original artwork. Yoshi was able to relate to all the stories as well. A fun thing to do on the day when everywhere else was closed.

And where else would be opened on the holiday? of course Chinese restaurants. Thanks Cecilia for the recommendation on ABC restaurant, we ate a lot in there. Yoshi finished his whole plate of roast pork rice. The bun next to him was actually being finished by Kiharu (in addition to a bowl of congee that we brought along, she had really good appeite during this whole trip)
(More fun to come......)