Thursday, September 23, 2010

Not your typical laundry basket

I spent a LOT of my time dealing with territory dispute......

Most of the time I'm teaching Yoshi to s-h-a-r-e his toys with Kiharu, and also how to handle the situation when Kiharu attacks his toys. Instead of yelling at her or grabbing his toys back, I'm having him to call me, because I'm afraid he won't be able to adjust his strength when grabbing her hands.
Honestly, it's hard for Kiharu to resist the train toys temptation, but how can u share the toys when she lays her body all across the entire train tracks....^_^ I kept putting her back to "her" play area, but I found myself running back and forth the living room. Well, the temporary solulation while I'm cooking.....laundry basket...^_^ (I also put her in the baby crib if needed, but this laundry basket is much closer to all the action, yet with a little boundary)
Being a big brother, not only do u have to share your toys, but also to teach and play with your little sister....Yoshi is great (most of the time)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Pui! I love the laundry basket solution. Kiharu looks so cute in it! I bet soon she'll find a quick way to 'escape'. Enjoy it while it works!
- cousin Karen