Thursday, March 10, 2011

A whole day of FUN

Yoshi's best buddy in class has to be Carter. He is also a neighbour, walking distance to our house. Last week, I had offered his parent to babysit him today. His mom dropped him off at 6:30a.m, before she left to work. (no, I am definitely not a morning person, but once in a while is fine). Carter arrived with his pajama, so cute. After 30 minutes, Yoshi woke up to a suprise, seeing his best buddy waiting for him.

Pajama party began at 6:30a.m

Rare holding hands moment after school
It's so fun to see and hear Yoshi switching into English channel today.
- "Carter, come on......"
- "Carter, u (have to) eat, no out (no getting out the chair)"
- "Shhh!! baby (Kiharu) Zzzzzz" (yoshi don't know the word sleeping, so he made the sleeping sound)
- (after Nori left to work) "my daddy work"

Though Yoshi has limited English volcabulary, it didn't stop him from trying to communicate with his friends. He's so eager to talk and even copying from others. The funnies part, when he tried to say something to Carter which probably didn't make any sense, and without any response, Yoshi would say to me "Carter couldn't hear" ^_^


Anonymous said...

So adorable ! (holding hands, laughing together, "jamming" songs together !)

By the way, it reminds me of how I had tried (at the age of 6) to communicate with my cousin , who was born in the States and doesn't speak English. We were at the beach and saw jellyfishes, and I wanted to tell him to back off because jellyfishes would make us itchy, but all I could say was "don't touch them ... you will die !" HAHAHA

Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...

p.s. Pui, you're really good at taking care of kids (let them make pizza and draw pictures with ... is that chocolate ?)


Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...

I love Ki-chan being the 伴奏 in the band!!! May EE