Monday, November 21, 2011

Music Hall

Can't believe Christmas is right around the corner, Thanksgiving holiday is this weekend. There are so much going on lately, just not enough time. ......

Anyway, two weekends ago, we took the kids to attend a kids event organized by Cincinnati Orchestra Symphony. This was the second time we attended at the Music Hall. It was a short 40 minutes performance, but good enough for the little ones. They both enjoyed the music.

So here are the follow up photos from previous blog post. YES, they did help cleaning up the toy mess. (or should I say do they really have any choice? unless they want to give away everything....) Only wish, it would have been a quick clean up, rather than a 15 mins activity, during the bedtime rush hour......


Anonymous said...

Such a nice event (and venue) for the kids !

Auntie Anna

Mac said...

Kiharu's smile is so sweet : )