Friday, November 11, 2011

The diary of brother and sister

Nov 10th diary- While preparing dinner, heard little argument over the play area, then followed by Yoshi's screaming with his finger holding up. "Kiharu bite my finger" I was in disbelieve till I saw the teeth mark (not "tooth"). Poor guy. He was crying (with shock). Kiharu didn't seem to think it was that bad, till she saw her brother crying hysterically....then she cried. After apologizing, hugging and kissing (typical demand from victim in our house), things went back to normal.

Nov 11th diary- Yoshi is always very protective with his trains. (& Kiharu never seems to understand that point...of course, she is only 1 yr old). But tonight, with Yoshi's good mood and Kiharu's good behavior (in front of train station), I tried something new. I told Yoshi to let Kiharu participate with the train conducting. And I told Kiharu she needs to "ask for permission" before touching (anything). After few attempts, seems like it's working (so far). The conversation went like this:

Yoshi: "Kiharu, ask me (for permission)"
Kiharu: "May I? (in Japanese)"
Yoshi: "Yes, you may (in Japanese)"
then suppose Kiharu should thank Yoshi afterwards, but she always forgets, so...
Yoshi: "Kiharu, say thank you (to me)"


amy said...

wow this is a sophisticated train set! i can imagine the frustration if it got damaged by some little hands. :P

blueberrydream said...

You know what made me laughed most?? Is that you are taking a precious pic of Yoshi while he is crying with his finger up!! (笑)^^

They are really adorable♥♥
