Wednesday, March 21, 2012

The kids

Well, lately I'm behind in writing blog, just too little time for too many things I want / need to do. Unlike few years ago with only Yoshi, my days were all about taking photos (on every little things) and posting blog. Now, blogging is only done at night (while having Nori sitting next to me watching TV or cyber space time together). ^_^

Kids are doing well, very well. Just like every siblings, they love each other, they fight with each other and they hug and kiss each other.

Kiharu.....she is just one funny little girl. We love her silly laughs and every little thing. She sure is a girl, with her sweetness. She loves coping everything Yoshi does/ says. She can speak a lot more words in both Cantonese and Japanese. And she can understand what we tell her too (no matter she choose to respond or not). Her facial expression is the best, you will know when she is up to no good...^_^ 97% of the argument, was caused by her. And I came to a conclusion when dealing the sibling dispute- it's not the matter who cry/ whine the loudest...which is usually her strength to get sympathy vote (but no tears).

One of my latest challenge with her is potty training. NO, I have no intention to start this early, and I'm not ready (emotionally). But she is the one who keeps telling me she needs to go to bathroom. Or many times she would even walk in there without me (in the dark since she is not tall enough to turn on the light). She has such a believable facial and body expression everytime, that I can't help to think maybe "today is the day". Somehow, it always happen when I'm cooking or busy with something....I really don't think she is ready, but I feel like I have to keep encouraging her (yet, I can't help with certain anger when we both are stuck in the bathroom, lacking of oxygen for my brain to be patience.......)

As for Yoshi, he's a great brother to her. Of course, there are fighting moments, but he helps her in many ways. The other day when he's out with Nori, on the way home, he told Nori they had to stop by grocery store to get flowers for mama. We were suprised about that, it's the first time. He's very sweet. He's not just a mama's boy, but he loves having Nori around. Every Friday night, he's so excited to find out Nori will be home with us during the weekend. His English is getting much better too. He could sort of understand what me and Nori were talking about, and even join in the conversation.

I have to say, 2 and 4 yrs old are fun stage. Every night before our bedtime, I always have a few kids' silliness to share with Nori for laugh. Can't wait to take them back to visit everyone this summer.......

This week's weather is so warm....HOT that we are all wearing short sleeves and sandles. Taking the kids out to park and picnic was fun, but I am not really ready for the heat exhaustion yet...


amy said...

i need to catch up with blogging too. way too lazy! :P

can't wait to meet with your kids in the summer!!

Tara said...

Which park is this, Sabrina? I don't think we've been here, and it looks fun.