Monday, September 17, 2012


Lately, I have been very lazy in writing the blog. Feels like the day goes by so fast. I'm still adjusting to Yoshi's new school schedule. I have never been a morning person, so now waking up at 6:15 everyday, my body are functioning much slower as the day goes. Perhaps Nori would say if I go to bed early, it would help.... but u know, mom's "me time" only comes after everyone goes to bed.

The kids love to play with mud and truck outside, but it's hard to find time in between preparing lunch/ dinner, or nap time... and I wouldn't let them to be out by themselves. I always remind myself that I should let them "be kids" more, and it's ok to get dirty or loud or be energetic (jumping around)...... I guess I'm a very unflexible person ?! (good to have a husband with opposite character to balance with each other). 

Today, we don't have any plan after school, so why not have our picnic lunch in front of the driveway. Then follow by mud and bicycle time?! Now everyone is happy, and I got to update the blog while watching them as well. .... got to do this more often before the cold winter comes right around the corner....

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