Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Last spring, Yoshi did the t-ball. He really had a great time. Too bad it's only a seasonal sports. So we had to wait for a year to do it again. This time, he's playing baseball. 

Yoshi had tried soccer before, but he wasn't that into it. Though he was little back then, but he's' more curious with the kids rather than the ball itself. And he's not a super competitive kid, so group type of sports, I think it's harder on him. Golf, baseball.... those seems to allow him to take his own pace. He really enjoys a lot... and for Nori, he enjoys sharing the bonding time together. Even he's very busy at work, but he tries to come to all his baseball practice/games, twice a week. That meant a lot to Yoshi (& us)

(Last week, the baseball teams have group/individual photos, it's really fun for Yoshi to participate) 

 Yoshi's baseball time = Kiharu's SNACK time.

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