Sunday, April 21, 2013

Family portrait

With Kiharu, I haven't really done any music / art/ exercise class with her, nothing, unlike when Yoshi was little.  The little time we have every morning alone, are all being spent on breakfast, grocery or housework. It's always my hope to do something with her (alone) outside the house, but I tend to find different excuse or never put that as priority. 

Last Saturday, when I was in a craft store with her (while Yoshi was at Japanese school & Nori was at golf), a staff came up to me and asked if we want to attend a craft class for $2. I thought that might be a good chance, and Kiharu wanted to go. It was an early morning, no one else was there in the class. It was very simple project, but perfect for Kiharu. Afterall, it wasn't really about the project, but more of the one on one time we got to spend with each other. I have always known she is very ready for school. I'm excited for her this coming September, when she will be attending preschool.... wonder what kind of a student will she be?!  
 "A tree"
 On the same day, while waiting for lunch in the restaurant, Kiharu drew our family's faces for the first time, I mean with eyes, nose & mouth.... and the most interesting thing, it's at the same time when Yoshi did his first "human/family faces" at 3 yrs & 3 months old --- click HERE to see.

 Last Thursday & Friday, Nori's best friend from Japan- Junichi-san  was here visiting us. They have known each other for 30+ years. It's really great to see them chatting, drinking beer, golfing & playing with kids together.  (Thanks for coming to see us) 

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