Sunday, June 9, 2013

Summer begins

Summer vacation has already began a week ago....... the last day of school was filled with excitement.
 It was a wonderful year with Mrs. Melink and all his classmates. She is a great teacher, always encourages Yoshi to try his best. She even went to visit Yoshi at Japanese school during the open house, making Yoshi felt so special.
 Well, summer begins with.......superhero pretend... he sure loves all his birthday presents.
 Somehow, with the same mask, Kiharu seems a bit more "powerful". ^_^
 Who wouldn't love to pretend like Spiderman, shoot water to the window?!
 This is Yoshi's drawing of Spiderman... love his colorful imagination. (maybe someday, he will get to watch the real spiderman movie....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


i love your hair-style in the top picture

kk & pp