Monday, June 17, 2013

Summer camps

The past few summers, we were always travelling back in Asia. This year, we had decided to stay here. We have signed up several summer activity/camp for the kids. It's a perfect way to try new activities, and figure out if they are interest or not.
Yoshi had chosen golf, it was a 3 day camp (1.5 hr each day). He had a lot of fun playing at the golf course.

Kiharu is 3 yrs old. All these time, she was only hanging out with me, never join any class. So for the first time, we have signed up a dance/gymnastic class. she LOVES it (so are we). It's so great to see her so happy. And for the first time, I see that she is growing up, not a baby little girl anymore.  And the other great thing is to see how Yoshi enjoys seeing his little sister in the class, being a very supportive brother.


Anonymous said...

They really enjoy the activities they chose,happy summer holiday !

kk & pp

amy said...

same here for the little one. heather has never taken any class and she just started taking ice-skating lessons. she's been really looking forward to it and enjoyed it a lot. :)