Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Is this going to be how my life will be in 7 wks?

Today I went to visit my friend Susannah and her sons- Nolan & Oliver. Holding her 2 wks new born baby- Oliver on my arms, can't help but thinking this is going to be happening to me in 7 wks... YES, 7 wks left only!!!! What happen to those monthly count down? since when did I start using "weeks" as the calculation? (thanks to Shanna & Katie's reminder yesterday at lunch...such a wake up call......) After realizing the reality, I did go to stock up some more diapers at the grocery right away.......... let the count down begins. (Susannah, thanks for the baby stuff tips, u are always my baby research dept.)


Anonymous said...

take it easy, 7 weeks later you will be holding your Hish on your arms and give him a kiss.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait to see the little boy in 7 weeks...have to start thinking of his name (or really want to call him Hish?) Mays