Thursday, January 10, 2008


U think adult jet lag is though, actually baby's jet lag is more rough, on both him and us.....

We have been back home for 4 days already, but sleeping is the most challenging thing for Yoshi (& us). Starting from the first night, he has been waking up in the middle of the night routinely, I mean like 3a.m., then 4, then 5.......and couldn't go back to sleep till 9a.m. When I said Yoshi couldn't go back to sleep, I mean a "sleeping battle". Whenever I put him back to his crib, he just cried & moving around, like I'm forcing him to stay in bed. I did everything to calm this little wild awake baby, even tried to fake talking on the phone with grandma, which he did keep quiet for a while, listening to my one way conversation on the phone, but sure it doesn't last too long .......So the new bonding thing: family breakfast together these few mornings.....

Then afternoon is a total different story. No matter what I did, Yoshi just couldn't keep his eyes open. Believe me, I tried my best because I know what's the consequence if he sleeps in day time..... I have fed him sour plum baby food; cook yummy congee, sang his favorite songs (over & over again), read stories, pulled out all the toys in the house, I even opened the front door so he can breath little cold fresh air.....and u think taking him out every afternoon works (just as what he was used to the noises in the past 5 months in the cities...), but the car seat ride must be too comfortable, he just found a new sleeping spot......AHAHAHA!! So now at 6:30p.m. I finally have to gave in, because I just can't carry the heavy bag of rice anymore, and when I left him alone with toys or sitting on the chair, he fell asleep. The final moment was even I have his favorite spoon with yummy congee right at his mouth, but his eyes just turn into lines, right in his sleeping mode with deep sleeping sound.....goodnight my dear. I will wake u up in an hr & hope tonight the jet lag battle won't last too long, mommy want some sleep too....


Anonymous said...

Yoshi must be still very used to HK late night lifestyle, go out to Yoshi's Island at night and sleep in the daytime

Anonymous said...

Oh poor Yoshi and mom, hope everything to be normal this weekend.