Tuesday, December 30, 2008


In Hong Kong, PoPo (grandma) has the same sweeper, that we named it "boo boo" (car's beep sound), Yoshi loved pushing it around the house. Now that we came to Japan, Obaachan also has the same sweeper, so Yoshi was really happy. But poor everyone else, has to follow him everywhere, making sure he's not hitting things or himself....
On this sunny day (still a bit cold), we went to visit Ojiichan's farm. (KonKon, PoPo, I bet u are very jealous with this farm's size here....& the harvest) Yoshi had lots of fun "helping".....(sort of) Potato Daikon (radish) Huge diakon "Kaki" (these were given by Ojiichan's farm friend)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hahaaaaaaaaaa ,we love to hear Yoshi's "booboo........" holding the sweeper around the house. Ojiichan, we are really jealous with what you have in your farm.

Happy New Year to everyone !

kk & pp