Sunday, December 28, 2008

Japan II

Time to go out again....Yoshi's favorite everyday. It's very cold here, so Yoshi was bundled up like a snowman.
Inside the mall, there is this huge entertainment center. I thought it used to be only toys or stuff animals, now, there are few more realistic things- potato chips (mega packs)(that's all I could take photos of before someone stopped me using camera)
This flowers are so pretty, multi red color. We went to the shrine, first we need to clean our hands and mouth using those bucket. Yoshi must be wondering if it's warm or cold water?!
While I was pregnant with Yoshi, grandma went to this shrine to pray for smooth pregnancy. So now that Yoshi was born, we took him back as a token of thanks. We also got that pouch representing good luck charm.
After shrine, let's go for lunch at a somen place. Yoshi was trying to place his order too... Last night, grandparents babysit Yoshi for us so me and Nori went out for dinner on our own. We walked into a Yakitori place in random, it was a great find. It's a family own type of restaurant. Very friendly and busy. It's been so long that me and Nori went out dinner on our own without anyone else. We had a great date night, Ojiichan, Obaachan, arigato. This place is mainly serving skew type of meat. This afternoon, we went to Nori's sister place, and spend play time with Nana & Yuuki-chan again. Yoshi had lots and lots of fun. Grandpa's story telling session
Yoshi was wondering if he could join his cousins for girly playtime?!
He had so much fun pushing the little stroller around, following his older cousins
After that, we went to Apita. Check out the kids strollers...what a scene. Yoshi loves turning the steering wheel
Even though he was having so much fun, but he was really tired afterall.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love seeing these photos from Japan ! Yoshi, you look particularly handsome in the orange jacket (can't resist saying that ... ha)

Pui, enjoy your holiday with Nori and Yoshi !

Auntie Anna