Sunday, May 23, 2010

3 days garage sale

These past 3 days, we were being invited to participatee at my friend's multi family garage sale. It's been a year since we did it at our house. So I had pulled out a bunch of things from the basement. It's a fun 3 days event, except with the challenge of Kiharu's nap. She couldn't take any good naps, so I had to carry her most of the time. Yoshi had lots of fun playing inside the house with other kids who are all Japanese, which he had picked up even more Japanese languages. After the long 3 days of work (yes, I called it 'work'), 3 of us had earned $115 in total, which is pretty good, considering I got rid of a bunch of stuff (ranging from $0.25 to $4 marking), and we already spent 1/3 of the earning treating daddy to dinner last night. ^_^ As the old saying "someone's junk is someone else's treasure".

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