Sunday, May 16, 2010

Schedule adjustment

As Yoshi gets older, we used to find it much easier to go out. Like in the weekends, instead of a fix nap time, we would just plan on having him taking naps in the car, in between our store to store visits. We would go out in a much longer period of time.

But with Kiharu now, I found it very challenging to do so, not only I have to plan around the 3 hrs feeding intervals (constantly debating when or where I should feed her when we are outside), also the in and out the car with car seat/stroller, it's just a lot of work. And without a good long nap in the morning or afternoon, she tends to be much crankier and harder to calm down. (of course, everyone feels the same way). With so many restrains, there were days which I felt like it's easier to just stay at home (including the crying situation)....but that's just not me, I can't be stuck at home.. I guess in some way, we just have to re-adjust our schedules, putting baby's (sleeping) need back into priority.......Zzzzzz


Uncle Henry said...

thats a good pic of Yoshi and Nori~

Kitty L said...

Tell me about it! I'm in the same boat, Sabrina! End up carrying Martha (now 7 mths) in my sling most of the time when we are out, so she can have some comfort. Sadly, at the expense of my poor back and shoulders!

Martha (and Daddy mostly!) are quite used to be being fed under my feeding shawl when we are out. I try not to let her if she just wants comfort suckling but there are times when I have no choice but to surrender. (She's very very loud!)

Ai... it'd get better...

Kambayashi said...

Kitty L, can't believe Martha is already 7 months...aren't we always in the dilemma about every little decision?! But it's always good to know we are not alone, and having the support from other moms. At the end of the day, aren't we just starring at the sleeping babies/kids, can't wait for their smile next morning?! ^_^