Thursday, August 5, 2010

Art Jamming

A-R-T....was never my thing....I can't draw, especially if I have to create my own imagination. But spending an afternoon with friends, letting the kids painted colorful artwork, catching up with each other, that's the best.

(hello baby Heather, we finally got to meet...^_^)

(the last time Yoshi & Rafael met was 1.5 year ago, when they were still too little to play together. It didn't take long for them to warm up with each other, especially with their toy cars)

(seems like the boys were more into street viewing than art painting)

(P.s, Rafael & Abbie, thanks for spending time with Yoshi, he had lots of fun. Sorry if Yoshi was a bit over friendly & too loud, he just had not seen other kids of his age for more than 3 weeks....he was too excited to have good friends to play with. Thanks. See u soon)


amy said...

Rafael had a great time too! And thanks so much for the gifts!

Anonymous said...

Looks like Rafael can't wait to eat his Pudding ^.^


Anonymous said...

wawawa... yoshi did a great paint for the first time, he should do the same back to his home... kekeke

Aunt Elina