Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bye HK! Hi JP!

The 4 days of Nori's visit in Hong Kong went by so fast, too fast that we hardly had time to say goodbye to everyone. The last minute packing left us only 3 hours of sleep before catching the plane to Japan. Anyway, here we are in Nagoya, it's so hot....too hot that I'm now sipping a cold 7-UP to cool down myself while blogging...

(Thanks grandparents & Uncle Henry for everything....I mean EVERYTHING!! what am I going to do when we go back to Cincinnati .......)

(goodbye Hong Kong)

Koniichiwa Obaachan, Ojiichan...... (first time meeting Kiharu)

No, Yoshi didn't forget Ojiichan, just need some time to warm up..... (he was confused during the car ride home, as there wasn't any neon night scene, nor was it the same grandpa's car...he was definitely showing signs of confusion....)

but it didn't took long for them to warm up with each other.....(& switch language channel)

Nana-chan & Yuuki-chan (cousins), Koniichiwa!!

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