Home bakery
I grow up playing with dolls, pretend cooking, pretend haircut with my mom or board games with family..... I'm certainly not good in pushing toy cars in circles, or flying planes around the house, or holding cardboard box pretend moving train......no, they don't require specific skills, but lots of patience & routine physical movement..... With Yoshi, I realized cooking is one of the most enjoyable learning activities. (prefer during Kiharu's nap time though).
Yesterday, I was off the schedule, so we ended up doing the bakery with the little helper (for the first time). The first thing I did was to give her a small dough, kept her busy to start with. It took her a little while to feel comfortable in playing with that mushy texture. I did spot "someone" trying to taste the dough & the dry fruit ingredient....

very successful bakery! :)
the bread looks really yum. can you share your dough recipe? :)
Amy- my mom got that book for me from HK (recommended by my friend)
Step by step with photos.
The bread dough receipe I used:
Bread flour 450g
yeast 7g
warm water 3/4 cup
milk 1/4 cup
sugar 112g
butter 42g
egg 1
(bread improver 4g- I don't know what this is, so I ignore)
Mix everything, knead till non sticky dough. (if too sticky, then slightly add more bread flour) Sit for 30 mins. Slightly press few times to press air out. Sit another 30 mins. Divide dough, add ingredient (ham, sausage...), then sit for 30 mins. Brush beaten egg, and bake at 200 degree C (395 degree F) for 10-15 mins.
Have fun.....
look very tasty... yoshi can open a bakery store soon... yeah!
sabrina - thanks for sharing the recipe! we've made bread many times. sometimes it's okay and sometimes it's a complete failure. i'm thinking maybe the yeast is left for too long and it's not working anymore. maybe we should buy small sachets instead of a can.
Hi Sabrina, like Amy I'm drawn by the bread and was going to ask about the recipe. I had so many failed attempts with or without the kids (ie no one to blame but me!). Thanks for sharing the recipe!
Kitty L
Sabrina, do you use bread machine? I am not so good with manual kneading...haha.
Rhoda, in the past, I always use bread machine, but I could never get the receipe right. And now that I have the new receipe, I tried using my hand, and it turns out to be very easy, just mix all. And I can be sure it's right.
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