Monday, December 5, 2011

"I like Santa Clause" ("我好鍾意聖誕老人")

As part of this year's Christmas adventure with Yoshi, I took the kids to see Santa Clause last Friday evening. There was this "Santa visit" event at the nearby firehouse. The money charged for photo taking will be donated back to the firehouse.

When we left the house, I wasn't quite sure how to explain this whole Santa clause thing to Yoshi. All I said was, we are going to see Santa. I told him he's coming by this area to visit kids, but only taking photos, and he will be back on 25th to drop off presents. (assuming, there is only ONE Santa, who ran around the world........^_^)

When we got to the firehouse, there was already a long line of kids waiting for photos. Yoshi & Kiharu were just following other kids. From far away, they were checking out Santa, starring at other kids, hanging out, just like normal. Finally it's their turn. Yoshi was very willing to sit on Santa's lap (I gave him advance notice while waiting). V.s. Kiharu wouldn't even want to have anything to do with this old guy covered with long white beard........

After the visit, Yoshi said "我好鍾意聖誕老人" ("I like Santa Clause").

(Have any kids ever wonder why Santa picked this place for visit?)

(...still in shock!!)

( looking at this photo, I don't blame Kiharu having such a shocking reaction to the white beard santa....^_^)

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