Thursday, June 28, 2007

Yoshi is getting heavier and heavier...

Today, Yoshi has his 1 month check up today. Here is his latest:

Weight: 10lb 6oz (4706gm) (he has gained 2lb in 2 wks...)
Height: 23" (58cm)
Head circumference: 15.5" (39cm) (check out the watermellon as comparision)

He is doing well. He got his first vaccination shot outside hospital today. Luckily, after crying for 5 sec, he forgot what was all about. ^_^ Later on, he went for his 2nd grocery trip, which he fell asleep as usual.

1 comment:

amy said...

congrats for a healthy boy!

reading your blog reminds me of the little newborn rafael, who used to sleep all the time when we went out. though it's only a few months back, babies grow so fast and they're like a different person sooner than we know! :P