Monday, June 4, 2007

Yoshi's first week

Yoshi has been here with us for 9 days already. Still hard to believe he had been living inside my tummy for the past 10 months. Days went by so fast. Me and Nori are still "slowly" adjusting to this new parenthood lifestyle. I'm not sure where to begin in describing what our daily schedule is (if there is any). Seems like each day is fill with feeding, watching baby sleep, changing diapers, burping, trying to figure out how much Yoshi wants to eat, why is he suddenly smiling and suddenly crying, he has so much facial expressions ...... Though I have heard so much about lack of sleep, but not till we experience ourselves, that we realize, it's the hardest adjustment (especially we are so used to sleeping for at least 10 hrs NONSTOP in the weekend.....) I no longer sleep with battery functioned alarm clock, but instead I have "Yoshi manual clock".

Yoshi has brought so much joy to our family. He's constantly being watched, starred, held, hugged...especially by grandparents. We are really blessed to have him here.

Well, I never thought it will take me 3 days to get this blog done. I was so used to having blog updated, but I found myself now living by Yoshi's schedule, in between his nap time. Not even to mention returning all the phone calls or if u haven't heard from me for a while or seeing me in the MSN, probably I'm in the middle of changing his poopy diapers or feeding him......anyway, THANK YOU for all your well wishes, hope this blog could be a temporary way of communications with all of u.

(P.S. A lot of these photos here are shot by Uncle Henry, he is a really great photographer!!!! Lucky Yoshi)


spence said...

Sabrina, Thanks for the wonderful pictures of your beautiful family and your precious "Yoshi". I am glad you are adjusting to parenthood as I knew you would. Hope to see you and "Yoshi" soon for a visit here at SKL.

Your friend,

Anonymous said...

Hello my dear,

I love the photos, Henry is good ! And Yoshi, OH HE IS SO "DOUBLE Cs" i.e. Cute and Charming ! He smiles so much...

I know how busy it must be to be a new mother, so I'll probably call you later (and you know how lazy I am in making phone calls). Take care and I'll keep checking out this Blog !


Anonymous said...

Hi Sabrina,
I love your blog....keep it up
the pic's are great. Enjoy your
baby - times goes fast - Yoshi will
be going to school before you know
Can't wait to meet your families.
I am on vacation June 22 and return
July 2 - I hope you come in when
I am here.

ps - have you been to Gap outlet?
Your Friend.