Saturday, March 29, 2008

Cyber Romance

Usually Saturday night is the only time me and Nori get to spend together without feeling the rush of the clock ticking, relax on the couch (while Yoshi is sleeping). Instead of reading books or playing scrabbles, we call ourselves "cyber romance".
Nori- probably chatting with his off roading buddies, or looking for new car items for purchase...
Me- of course updating the blog, like right now, and browsing thru other's blogs also...Typical conversation between us is like
-"So, did u see XYZ family's blog update?"
-"So, what do u think about getting a refrigerator for my truck? ....?@#!*&^" (Nori)
-"So, what do u think about getting a toy truck for Yoshi?" (Mama)
-"Ok, I just finished updating the blog, u can check it out now....."
Well, this pic here is a real time shot, but we both can't keep a straight romantic...


Anonymous said...

After a few years Yoshi can between you with his laptop too ! haha

Auntie Anna

Anonymous said...

Yoshi, we call ourselves "blog romance" not Sat night but usually every morning ( your night time while you're sleeping as your mom said).....Typical conversation between us is like - "Yoshi is doing this, Yoshi is doing that"
but we both can keep a straight face the monitor. (sorry, no photo) hahaaaaaaaaaaaaa

kk & pp

Anonymous said...

Love is that simple, so romantic
my fd, ha ha!

amy said...

oh yes maybe next time you can put yoshi in between you two. instead of asking advice from his friend on the mirror, he can then discuss about his options w/ ottosan and okaasan :P