Friday, January 8, 2010


Me and Nori have been talking to Yoshi in both Cantonese & Japanese since he's little. But not till grandparent's visit that we finally see how much Yoshi can distinguish the language differnce.

If u listen carefully on the below video, when grandpa pointed out the item, Yoshi would response in Cantonese; But he would then switch to Japanese with Nori.... and the other funny thing is, in the daytime, Yoshi would speak Cantonese with us. But as soon as Nori comes home from work, Yoshi would switch COMPLETELY to Japanese only, not only in the words, but also his expression tone....


uncle Henry said...

Waaa amazing~

我與我的心肝寶貝s said...

Yoshi is really smart! Woh!

amy said...

parents and grannies are so proud, and yoshi is so proud of himself too! i love his "i know it" expression! :)

馬渡太太 said...

Same here, amazed by my boy's language ability. Originally I thought he just treats Cantonese as "mother tongue" and Japanese as "father tongue". But when we were in Japan, he spoke only Japanese to grannies and his uncle, not a single word in Cantonese. By that, I know he understands that he should speak different language to differnet people, and, he knows who is Japanese and who is Chinese. ^^

Good job, Yoshi!

Jaden and Averi said...

I am so impressed by Yoshi's ability to speak both language. You did a really great job, Sabrina. I need to start training Jaden to do the same thing. I hope it's not too late!!

Uncle Alan and Aunt Shirley: said...

This is so incredible! Yoshi swiftly switches between languages! He's so gifted. I can wait to talk with him.